
Grouse Perfection: Grouse, Chanterelles, and Blackberries

Could there be anything more seasonally apt than this recipe? Grouse, chanterelles, and blackberries all arrive at more or less the same time. Even if grouse is not abundant, this recipe works well with cultivated oyster mushrooms, which are readily available.


  1. Prepare the Grouse:

    • Liberally season the grouse breasts on both sides and let them come to room temperature.
    • Heat a pan to just over moderate heat with half the butter and a drizzle of olive oil.
    • Sear the grouse breasts for 1.5 to 2 minutes on each side until they firm up slightly.
    • Remove from the pan and let them rest on a warm plate for at least 5 minutes.
  2. Cook the Mushrooms:

    • Clean and trim the mushrooms. Chop the garlic and strip the thyme leaves from the stem.
    • In the same pan used for the grouse, add a bit more olive oil and increase the heat slightly.
    • Sauté the mushrooms for a maximum of three minutes, then add the garlic, remaining butter, and thyme. Toss and remove to the warm plate with the grouse.
  3. Prepare the Blackberries:

    • Turn off the heat in the pan and add a bit more olive oil.
    • Add the blackberries, warming them gently to release a little juice. Season with salt and pepper.
    • Add a dash of sherry vinegar.
  4. Assemble the Salad:

    • Wash and drain the watercress well, then scatter it across two medium-sized plates.
    • Slice the rested grouse breasts lengthways and arrange over the watercress.
    • Scatter the sautéed mushrooms over the top.
    • Using a dessert spoon, dress each plate with the warmed blackberries and their juices.
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