
Smoked Prawn Risotto

Risotto is a dish that demands care and attention, rewarding you with a creamy, flavorful result. This smoked prawn risotto recipe emphasizes quality stock, well-cooked rice, and dedicated cooking.


  1. Prepare the Stock:

    • In a large frying pan, heat a little light olive oil and add the prawn shells. Fry until well browned.
    • Add a glass of dry white wine and simmer until the acidity dissipates.
    • Add this mixture to your fish stock and keep it at a slow simmer.
  2. Cook the Aromatics:

    • In a wide, flat casserole pan, heat some light olive oil. Slowly sweat the shallots, half the garlic, and the thyme leaves with a little salt and pepper until soft and fragrant.
  3. Prepare the Rice:

    • Add the rice and half the butter to the pan with the shallots. Cook for a few minutes until the rice is coated in fat and lightly toasted.
    • Add the second glass of dry white wine and cook until the acidity dissolves.
    • Begin adding the simmering stock, one ladle at a time, stirring frequently. Allow each addition to be absorbed before adding the next. Continue until the rice is almost cooked, about 18-20 minutes.
  4. Cook the Prawns:

    • In a separate pan, heat half of the remaining butter. Roughly chop half of the prawns and add all the prawns (chopped and whole) along with the remaining garlic. Sauté briefly until just cooked.
  5. Combine and Finish:

    • Add the cooked prawns to the risotto along with the last of the butter. If you have any stock left, add half a scoop, or use a dash of water if needed.
    • Stir gently and season to taste. Add a little lemon juice and finely grated zest.
    • Stir in the chopped parsley.
  6. Serve:

    • Scoop the risotto into bowls. Drizzle with a little of your best olive oil and serve immediately.
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